We safeguard and defend children’s rights.
All children have a right to dream. Help us keep their dreams alive by making a donation.
We help families by financing transportation and school expenses, medical aid, food and basic necessities. Each project is documented and reported to our donors.
Millions of children are affected by the AIDS virus. Hundreds are abandoned on the street, left to relatives or friends, their future is unknown.
The Children for Peace (ONLUS) is an Italian NGO founded with the explicit purpose of assisting children all over the world who need fundamental support for survival.
Looking at a child I see so much life, so much hope and so many dreams. A child’s smile illuminates, expresses fun and happiness no matter the condition in which the child lives, emanating a special kindness only a child can give. When I see a child able to smile in spite of the horrid conditions, the squalor in which the child lives, I cannot turn away, I cannot turn my back, I cannot pretend that there is nothing I can do, I cannot ignore the hope that I see in the child.
We safeguard and defend children’s rights.
We guarantee the fundamental care for children and their mothers.
We carry out education and information programs on drugs, HIV and non-violence.
We provide everything what is necessary to guarantee school education: tuition and school supplies, transport and lunches.